The Irresistable Ice Cream

Who can resist an ice cream? The mix of sugar and milk (or cream) melts in your tongue and leaves a cool and sweet sensation in your mouth. It’s a perfect choice for you right after having a main course or as a snack during a hot and shiny day.
Did you know that ice cream can be traced back to the 4th century BC? It was the Roman Emperor, Nero, who bought snow from the mountain and combines it with fruit toppings in his palace. But some said that it was Marco Polo who brought this frozen desert during his voyage to Far East. He introduced as cream as a kind of food that has been used in Asia for thousand of years.
Anyway, right now, this frozen desert usually made from dairy products especially milk and cream and combine with fruits or any other variety of flavors such as chocolate or mocha. At the same time, particular colors are also identically associated to certain flavor. For example, pink ice creams usually have the strawberry flavor, the white ice cream for vanilla flavor or brown for chocolate/mocha flavor. What about the topping then? It doesn’t always be fruits like strawberry, apple or melon only because you can also have ice cream with wide variety of toppings, such as chocolate chips, Oreo cookies, maple syrup or honey or even raisins.
But whatever the topping is, I will always love ice cream and thank whoever the inventor of this irresistable desert is. So, then tell me what is your favorite flavor?


  1. seger banget deh ice creamnya

  2. Hi risma, thanks for dropping by On This Side of Town.... yeah.. my throat's favrite..hahaha... but sure this yummy is a hit..

  3. My favorite is chocolate chip ice cream.. :)
    btw I love your blog makeover.. :)


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