Friday, November 5, 2010

It's About Me

1. If you could have any talent and turn it into an occupation, what would it be?
I really want to be a professional writer. I admire those people who loves to write and earn money from that. It's not easy to be a writer, though it may seem that all you need is just pen and paper. But I think imagination and thought are the most important yet difficult part.

2. Would you rather have a house at the beach or a cabin in the woods?
I love woods but I don't like to spend too much time in an quiet, gloomy and monotone place like that. I prefer the beach, where I can enjoy sun shine and hear the waves outside my house. Sounds tempting.

3. Is there any meaning or reasoning for the names you chose for your child/children?
Yes, for us a name is such a pray. We gave the best name for our child so that she will carry our pray with her for the rest of her life. Our daughter name, Agasha, taken from old Greek language which means kind or good. We hope life will treat her kindly and good and she will treat everyone kindly and good either.

4. What is your guilty pleasure? (I know we've done this one before, but I'm guessing people's "guilty pleasures" change frequently. At least, mine do!)
Once, I've been thinking about what's the worst thing is going to happen if the three of us (mu, hubby, daughter) just use all our savings and have an ultra fancy vacation in Eastern Europe. It will be great for us, but guess what will happen after the fun time over. LoL

5. Do you live in a house that is deep cleaned or straightened?
 I love to see my house clean and tidy in a normal way. But, my little daughter won't let me. So, the change my definition of clean and tidy quite a bit since we have her :)

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  1. I love writing and also have dreams of beach house and travelling to Europe, and guess what, a messy house with my children laughter look a heaven on earth for me now ;)

  2. aku juga mau banget jadi penulis yg bertahan dg penghasilan dari nulis >_<

  3. I love your answers... Going to Italy has always been a dream of mine. I would love to take a cooking class there. My goodnes...that would be a dream come true! I know it will never happen so for now all I do is read about it! Haha! Love your blog!


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