Account Will Be Closed

Dear Yahoo! Account User,

We encountered a problem with our database and a lot of records were lost, we are restoring our database to enable us serve you better. Your Yahoo! Account details are required so as to store in our database to keep your account active.

Failure to do this will lose his or her account permanently.

To update and enable us restore your account details in our data base to keep your account active, you are required to provide us the details below urgently.
Click the reply button to enter details below.

E-mail Address:
Password :
Date of Birth:
Country or Territory:
Alternative E-mail:

Make sure the details above are correct to enable us restore your account details, this will help prevent your account from suspending or closing.


Users have often told us that the more they use Yahoo Account! Service, the more they discover its benefits. We'll keep working on making Yahoo! the best email service around, and we appreciate your joining us for
the ride.

Thank you,

Sandra O. John

The Yahoo! Team
Message Code: XV6289KK

Kawan-kawan yang punya akun Yahoo ada terima email yang seperti ini juga nggak? Aku baru terima kemarin malam dan belum ku-reply. Soalnya, aku rada curiga dengan kewajiban memberikan detil info yang dimintanya. Sejak kapan Yahoo minta penggunanya mengirimkan password kayak gitu? Tapi, konsekuensinya lumayan mengerikan, karena akun kita terancam ditutup. Tapi, takutnya ini malah kerjaan orang-orang iseng yang mengaku-ngaku dari Yahoo dengan tujuan untuk minta kode password kita. Jadi bingung. Gimana nih? Ada masukan?


  1. barusan cek email yahoo, gak ada email dengan subject spt itu ..
    hati2 memberikan info pribadi, sist ..

    Iklan Gratis

  2. Mbak Risma, aku nggak pernah lihat surat beginian. Jangan-jangan penipu..

  3. kalo yang seperti ini masuknya ke email jangan langsung dibalas. biasanya kan yahoo kalo ada perubahan atau perlu tambahan data langsung ada sewaktu kita login mbak, sama kayak sewaktu minta tambahan security question gitu.


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